PODCAST | Mastery in Coaching with Powerful Coaching Presence

Join Peoplemax CEO and Owner Amos Szeps as he discusses Mastery in Coaching with host Zoran Todorovic on on Podcast TNM Unplugged.

In this episode, we explore mastery in coaching and why coaching presence is critical to the field of masterful coaching today. Mastery in Coaching with powerful coaching presence, is the ability to create a safe and supportive space that allows both the coach and the coachee to focus on the coachee’s agenda and to explore the coachee’s goals, values, and resources. It is not just about knowledge and skills, but more importantly, it is about the ability to create an environment where trust, integrity, and respect can flourish. This requires that the coach is able to be present in the moment and that their presence is felt. The coach needs to be able to listen deeply, ask powerful questions, and create an atmosphere that encourages growth and transformation.